Monday, April 26, 2010

Best way to get rid of female facial hair?

i have some unwanted peach fuzz on my upper lip, chin and jawline and what products would you reccomend to get rid of it...

thx...Best way to get rid of female facial hair?
oh you hairy thing you.Best way to get rid of female facial hair?
Go to the nearest beauty treatment place in your area.

I've been getting my upper lip waxed for a few years and it doesn't hurt at all!

And now I barely get it done at all, the hair gets finer and finer until theres barely anything there.

DON'T SHAVE!!!! Unless you want to look like a teenage boy with stubble. DON'T BLEACH! It could leave your skin bleached so people can quite clearly notice what you've tried to do, and hair removal creams always leave my skin funny, and I don't even have sensitive skin!

Don't go crazy on the waxing! I'm a stylist who does waxing and I do my eyebrows (that def. need it!) and my lip which is just peach fuzz... If you go into your jaw and other places that don't need it (i.e. all the peach fuzz on your face) It starts to look a little funny and you can start to break out!
use hair removal cream - delicate, painless, flawless finish, inexpensive and easy to use. plus it lasts for long enough just do it maybe once every 3 weeks

edit: dont wax or laser. lasering is so expensive n costs lots n n requires multiple treatments etc and DO NOT SHAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!鈥?/a>

this stuff is amazing. i use it in between my eyebrows and for that upper lip fuzz that ALL GIRLS WITH DARK HAIR get. dont act like it doesnt happen to you.
the laser treatment will help.. not laser for hair removal but the photo laser. but very pricy. check with the skin care salon.
I had my eyebrows waxed today and my friend that went with me had her face done. I cant handle the eyebrow pain i can just imagine the whole face. It didnt take them to long.
waxing is the best go to a salon don't try it yourself the mess isn't worth it.
Burn it off. Or you could use duct tape to rip it off
wax, laser, it doesn't matter
wax for sure. go to a salon

shave, wax???

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