Monday, April 26, 2010

What facial piercing would look nice on me and why?

My style is sorta punk/emo/scene i guess O.o

not a recent pic but yah鈥?/a>What facial piercing would look nice on me and why?
i sya skater

noseWhat facial piercing would look nice on me and why?
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

In my opinion, no piercing looks good (facial or otherwise). They make people look tough. I think that more people in tough neighborhoods get piercings than in nice neighborhoods.

Furthermore, piercing is painful and costs money.

Will you still think that the piercing is beautiful 10 years from now?

Will your boss keep you from a promotion because you have an old piercing scar.

Is my outlook too square?

I think an eyebrow piercing would look good.


a lip ring.

those would look the best fer ur style.
maybe a nose piercing, but your nose is kinda big, so i'm not sure

but just try it

if you don't like it

it'll regrow

Nose piercing, then hang a three ring binder from it.
i think nose, again

answer mine!;鈥?/a>
none you don't have the face to pull it off..sorry

i guess you could pull of a tongue ring, but you would just look trashy
small green gemstone nose piercing, will bring out eyes
I think you look fine like that but if you want one then I would say the nose one because the hoop on the lip is just too punk and rocker kinda thing then the eyebrow one is just..I dont know....I think the nose one is sexier and not thaaaat punkish
i've really been thinking and I honestly wouldnt like any on you.

a lip ring or stud (on the side) isnt great, but it's the best choice.

a monroe piercing would just look like one of your freckles is screwed up.

a nose stud would make your nose look bigger.

eyebrow wouldnt look good either.

overall, your best choice is the lip stud.

kind of like this, but a little closer to your lip.鈥?/a>

tragus would be cool on your ear. you could try that?
either nose or eyebrow

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