Saturday, December 26, 2009

Deep pore cleaning at home? works? what type of products do i need to get, a facial steamer works?

works if i do at home, or better go to a professionalDeep pore cleaning at home? works? what type of products do i need to get, a facial steamer works?
plain baking soda and water mask is by far the best you can do for acne prone skin. Mix a water and baking soda in a cup until the consistancy of a thinner paste. Pat on face (do not rub) and let sit till it hardens then rinse off. This has done miracles for my sensitive acne prone skin!! Plus it's all natural! Sometimes I add a few drops of tea tree oil too.Can use without tea tree oil.Can use as a spot treatment .Will reduce redness and you will barely notice the pimples.


Crack egg whisk and apply to skin leave for 15 to 20 minutes.Smells and feels weird but you see and feel it working after the first use

Aloe Vera Plant

cut off a piece and squeeze the goopy gel inside and apply to skin.It lightens and fades scars while fighting and preventing acne.Apply before bed let dry[2-3 min tops]and sleep with it on soft glowing skin in the morning.

Moisture Mask

Mix 2 tablespoons honey with 2 teaspoons milk. Smooth over face and throat. Leave on for 10 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Boil a pot of water and removie it when it starts to steam and then put your face over it and keep it there for 10 minutes. Then wash your face. The steam will open your pores and then washing your face will get rid of bacteria and dirt.Best to apply mask right after then ice pores shut.

Big changes happen

HOPE I HELPEDDeep pore cleaning at home? works? what type of products do i need to get, a facial steamer works?
This might sound way too simple, but it is good. Have you tried simply pouring a little bit of baking soda into your hand and adding your usual facial cleanser to it. Mix it together in the palm of your hand and apply it gently to your face (dampen your facial skin first) as you would when you normally cleanse your skin---especially the blackhead prone areas. You can do this once or twice a week. Don't scrub too hard. This is inexpensive. It works very well. You will be amazed at how good your skin feels afterwards. Also, a good beta hydroxy lotion works very well on blackheads (as a topical treatment after you wash). Alpha hydroxy is for removing dead skin and flakiness. Beta hydroxy is for blackheads. I think you will be surprised and pleased afterwards if you try this.
To give your face a nice little facial here are some common house hold things to use:

4 tbs. of Flour

4 tbs. of Plain Yogurt

1 tsp. of Lemon Juice

Mix all the ingredients together and apply to face. Leave on for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water and splash your face with cold water. Pat face dry.

This is good for like oilyish skin :]]
Baking soda! Wet your face. Put a small amount of soda into your hand as a few drops of water and massage gently.

These masks are also great for exfoliating the skin~

Crush up 20 (non coated) aspirin, mix with a tablespoon of honey, spread on clean face and let sit for about 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Apply plain yogurt to your face, let dry, rinse with warm water.
Well a website I went to and have been using the suggestion the past few days with good results so far says to take some olive oil and rub it with a cotton ball all over your face and let sit 15 minutes. Afterwards splash face with cold water then dip ur fingers in white sugar and use it to scrub gently it works wells. another is massaging ur face with a combination of half cup white vinegar mixed with a fourth of each olive oil and cold water. rub on face with cotton balls and rinse after 15 minutes. olive oil has a ingriedient i it that attracts dirt and infection to where its located and the vinegar kills and and opens pores for cleaning
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